Monday, 2 May 2011


Today, My girlfriend and I, we went to the Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery, which we thoroughly enjoyed!

My personal favourite was 'Sunset Moment' by Olivier Puccia 

I've not had much time to get on here in the past few days, not that I'm complaining about being busy, I like doing things, but I'm just saying, this is a good space to release the stuff going around my brain, and confusing me.

Here are some photos from today. 

 I saw this outside the museum and really thought it looked a bit nice, it being a Vespa and all that.

This is me, enjoying my Frappé Latte with extra cream, in Caffè Nero.

This is me, again I hear you say, in Topshop whilst waiting for my daring girlfriend, I love her.

That was today.

Also, Osama Bin Laden is dead. Thumbs up, I suppose.

And I leave you with this...

I love that song.
Peace out. 

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