Saturday, 16 July 2011


It's the weekend. 
Saturday night. 11pm or so.
Just had a Fifa '11 sesh, and now just telling the world.
I say the world, it's more just my world, which is significantly smaller than the actually world in which we live.
My computer had a funny five minutes earlier, it kept scrolling down. 
FIXED IT NOW. All is well.
This week has been busy, I believe Tuesday was my only night that I had nothing on, and tonight of course. Saying that, it has been a rather nice week. Thursday was my day off.

I am pretty tired so I'm thinking I'll just leave you with something I scribbled down the other night, I'm not 100% sure what I think of it, but I'll share it anyway.

Here goes, don't laugh, and shhhh.

this is a life
i don't have one
can you see that?
if you can't, relax

flip over and over
channels; waste of space
nothing on tv
i wish it was broke

that jolly box
everyone wants it
still nothing on
we can't go without

take it to our graves
wasted lives, reject soaps
we love and hate
should we go through it

it all will end
power cuts, no coal
hamster powered tv
probable hamster death

So, yeah, it's sort of about how TV is in our lives yet we don't need it and it is a waste of space but yet we can't not have one. 
Do we really want TV or is it just something 'EVERYONE' has?
I don't know.

I'll probably put some other stuff I've written up here in due course, but this is all for now.

Here is a song for you.

enjoy this.
play safe kids.
peace out.

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